Confirmado: El waterwetter daña los depositos acrilicos
En el foro de hard-h2o hay un post en el que se afirma que el waterwetter daña el plexiglas y/o el metacrilato, y yo justamente tengo el depósito y el bloque de metacrilato y plexiglas, y el agua del circuito contiene ww.
¿Qué sabeis del tema? ¿Vacio el circuito y lo relleno sin ww?Saludos
el ww contiene alcoholes, y éstos no se llevan muy bien con metacrilato/plexiglas…
Di-Isopropyl alcohol ether
Tri-Isopropyl alcohol di-ether
Sodium molybdate
Poly Siloxane Polymer"Based on their structure, one chemist friend speculated they might be used to increase the boiling point and freezing point of water, but Red Line claims Water-Wetter doesn't significantly do that. What is clear, though, is that they are both small molecule, strong organic solvents, which could have detrimental affects on some plastics. This coincides with reports I have received from people experiencing problems when using Water-Wetter in systems that have Plexiglas (acrylic) reservoirs - significant crack formation and splitting joints."