Sabeís q tal son los Altavoces Logitech Z-680?
en tom´s hardware tienen una comparativa con varios altavoces entre ellos los z-680 y los megaworks 550.
Decir que lo del ruido se confirma y que el editor dice que en cuestion de calidad mejor los 550.
¡¡¡¡¡Dios soy un mar de dudas!!!!!
".. particularmenter me da igual el siseo o lo que sea, me arriesgaré (y ademas parece que las unidades con siseo son simplemente defectuosas, salio mal la primera hornada)."
¿Dónde has leido ésto?, si me lo puedes decir sería de agradecer.
Lei esto en un foro español, en el que me respondieron a mi pregunta de si les pasaba lo de los clicks, pops y siseos…
Lo de los Clicks no me ha pasado.
Lo del siseo sí... y se llama ruido residual, pasa por una sencilla, la corriente electrica. Y sólo se escucha si te acercas al oido el altavoz.
Pasa en todos los altavoces de este tipo ( PS2000, DTT2500... ectr).
Un saludo.
Bueno aqui va mi experiencia.
Me compré los Z-680 hace ya 20 dias o así, los coloque en un salon medio-grande y compré cable para poner lejos los traseros.
Los tengo conectaos a un DVD pioneer y a la XboX y suenan muy muy bien, mucho mejor de lo que me esperaba.
1- cuando los altavoces estan sin señal de audio el siseo que se oye no aparece, y cuando si la tiene, a maximo volumen deja de ser perceptible a 1 metro
2- clicks y ruidos en menus DVD? No los he oido nunca te lo aseguro, excepto el "bop" de los altavoces al apagarlos.
Te recomiendo que si puedes no dudes en comprartelos, a mi me han sorprendido gratamente.
PD:. Me los compre en ********* Madrid. No creo que esto vaya por unidades defectuosas pero por si te sirve de informacion alli son serios y a mi me salio todo bien.
Espero haberte ayudado. ByeZ
pues yo los tengo hace una semana aprox. y ningun problema, los recomiendo a todo akel ke esté pensando en adkirir un ekipo de estas caracteristicas.
Hay otras respuestas en ingles que os pondré en otro post, que tengo que buscarlas de nuevo.
Lo del ingles…
Hi all,
Just wanted to put in my experience.
I bought my Z680 set on New Year's eve and have been messing around with it for the past 2 days. I was initially quite worried about the hissing issue until I was given a demo. While the hissing was audible, it is only noticeable when I put my head within 1 foot of the satellites. It is acceptable to me at those levels.
Since installing the set at home, I did notice that the bass sounded somewhat loose/boomy. In the Dungeons of Moria scene in The Fellowship of the Ring, the speakers produced admirable depth. It is a great improvement to my Inspire 5300 set. We do not get much quality speakers (short of home theater systems) here in Malaysia, however, so I do not have much exposure to speakers in the States.
FYI, I bought the ones with the old specs as the new ones were not available.
Happy New Year!
Osea, que el siseo se oia pero solo a menos de un pie de distamcia, que le molan y esta contento de haber sutituido unos Inspire 5300 con estos logitech.
I just wanted to echo awpk's sentiments. I was pretty dang close to being scared away from these speakers completely based on what I've read. Well today I went down to CompUSA to hear them for myself. After listening to them for about 10 minutes, I remembered that I wanted to verify the hiss I had read so much about. That right there says something. If I hadn't read about it, I probably would have never noticed. When I first turned the volume all the way down I didn't hear a hiss at all and I thought Logitech must have fixed it completely. I moved my head to within a foot and, sure enough, there was an ever-so-slight hissing sound. My reaction was "That's IT?!! That's what all the fuss is about?!". Logitech MUST have improved this, because the amount of hiss I heard could in no way warrant the outcry I've heard since these came out (IMO, of course). Either that, or some people are INCREDIBLY anal. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Bottom line, if you're looking for a good set of 5.1 speakers, don't discount these based on what you read online! Hear them for yourself, then if the hiss is too much, don't get them. I'm glad I listen to them before I bought something else, or else I would have been pretty pissed.
And no, I'm not affiliated in any way with Logitech. FWIW, there was a set of Klipsch PM's right next to the 680's and as awesome as the 680's sound, I like the sound of them a tad bit better. Of course, I had no access to the software EQ or anything...
Que fue a escuchar unos,y al rato de estar oyendolos se acordó que tenia que comprobar lo del siseo...
:rolleyes: asi que ni se habia dado ni cuenta de ello. Dice que los que se quejaban tanto del siseo son "INCREDIBLE anal" que se traduce por algo asi como "increiblemente pijoteros", que os pensabais XDD. Pues eso, que DPM y que se los compró, que es imposible que la gente se quejara tanto del siseo con lo bajo que se oia, asi que supone que Logitech debe de haber arreglado el problema del dicho ruido de fondo.
Hey, I just wanted to comment on the hiss.
When I first connected my speakers with analog, the hiss way very unnoticable. When I connected them through a coax digital, the hiss got alittle louder. You people, like the guy said, are WAY too anal. How can a slight hiss bother you that much? If they come out with a fix for it, then I will return them, but if not, these are an awesome set of speakers. I'm not worrying about a very slight hiss. It doesnt even look like logitech is going to fix the hiss anytime soon, based on emails and calls I made to best buy.
Que con conexion analogica el siseo casi inaudible, que con las opticas un poco peor, pero sigue sin ser pa tanto, que los que se quejan son "WAY too anal":D que no significa "camino hacia el ano", sino "demasiado exigentes" y que si en un futuro Logitech sacara un arreglillo pa este defectillo, los devolveria para que se lo arreglasen, pero que de momento se los queda y a gozar...
We are not in any way being too picky about the hiss. You must understand me. I bought the 680s a few weeks back and returned them for the 560s. I had them connected with the analog cables to my SB Audigy. The hiss was VERY LOUD. I am not exaggerating. I was at least 3.5 feet from each speaker and the hiss was exceptionally clear. In fact, anywhere in my room the only thing I could hear as they were idle was hiss hiss hiss. Even through quiet passages of music there was much hiss. You obviously have a different set of speakers than I had, believe me, because if you had heard mine you would have returned them, too. Logitech must have goofed with their first line of 680s, and you now have the second, fixed variety.
All speakers that I have encountered will hiss at some audible level. Usually you start to hear it from about a foot or less, just as you said the case was with your system. This is also true for my 560s; they hiss at a very low level. BUT the 680s tried by myself and every other 'anal' person that posted here hiss way too loud to be acceptable. No other system hisses like that. You could hear them hiss from five feet when the volume on the control pod was set all the way down!
Do not make such a reckless delcaration based on so little information: you have only heard your speakers, not everyone else's.
Uno diciendo que de anal nada, que a el le sonaban los logitech que no oia nada mas que siseos por todos laos y que seria que estaban jodidos porque tambien tenia unos z-560 y sonaba poco el siseo,como deberia de ser...
Great news! Apparently Logitech has started replacing the control pod with an updated one. I can't confirm any of this, but I found this on another forum:
"When you have the old controlpod (version 1.03), call Logitech and ask them for the new one. You can check the version by doing:To check the ROM version, put the unit in standby, and then hold the input and settings buttons together for 5 seconds. The ROM version will briefly appear on the LCD."
Aqui dicen que si Logitech esta ampaquetando con los ultimos z-680 otro controlpod (el cacharrito ampli/deco), que es donde se supone que se estaban generando los problemas.
Lo del ingles continuacion, que no me cabia…
got my speakers today. The unit just came into Australia, yet the control pod still shows version 1.0.3.
I honestly can't hear a hissing noise. There is a highly directional low frequency 'buzz', but it can only be heared when your ear is perfectly in line with the speaker and quite close.
Ive contacted Logitech Australia just to be sure.
Que si yo soy de Australia, que tengo el controlpod antiguo y que si no oigo el ruidillo a menos que incruste el oido en el altavoz.
Logitech knows about the hiss problem. It's because of an unshielded controlpod.
They are going to make a new version of the controlpod which they are going to release within proberly a month. This new controlpod proberly has less/no hiss.
When you already bought the old version, you can proberly send it back to Logitech and get a new one as I read somewhere.Logitech retested the Z680, and found that the Power in Watt RMS is higher than stated before. So they are going to relabel it. Soon proberly also in Europe the labels will be more than 450W.
To check your control pod, Post from Kharny at the Dutch Tweakers forum:
When you have the old controlpod (version 1.03), call Logitech and ask them for the new one (version 1.1). You can check the version by doing:
To check the ROM version, put the unit in standby, and then hold the input and settings buttons together for 5 seconds. The ROM version will briefly appear on the LCD.
Another quote from DaWizeGuy at the 3DSS forum:quote
It is indeed the control pod. I saw this post on a danish webiste:Thank you very much I would like that.
It is allways nice to hear the costumer is being listened to and taken seriously. So a thump up from me to Logitech´s costumer service.
I will be looking forward to receive my new reworked Control pod.Happy NewYear...
Kind Regards
Daniel JørgensenPS. What about all the other costumers who bought the first revision and finds the noise annoying? wrote:
Dear ******,Thank you for your enquiry.
At this time, we are working on a sollution to solve the
current issues
people have with the Z-680.
We can Send out an reworked Control pod around the end of
januari to you,
this should resolve the issue to an acceptable level.Kind regards,
Logitech Europe SA technical support
–--------------When you dont have hiss with controlpod 1.03, then your lucky. It could depend on how much magnetic electronical noise you have in your envirement.
So just wait till they have released the new controlpod 1.1 and than buy it. They proberly/maybe release it with the new Power watt labeled.
Este tiene miga: parece ser que el siseo es por tener el controlpod una mala proteccion contra ondas electromagneticas. Van a sacar uno nuevo en el que no habra siseo o casi no habra, y que si tienes el controlpod version 1.03, que lo mandas a Logitech y te lo cambian por el nuevo, que saldrá a finales de Enero (tener en cuenta que esta situacion podria aplicarse solo a los Usa, a lo mejor aqui ya dan el nuevo)
Dicen que los que se oian mal con el 1.03 era mala suerte, y los que oian bien, buena suerte, que posiblemente dependia de la contaminacion electromagnetica de cada caso. Dicen mas cosas, pero que como que no importa tanto...bueeeeno vaaaale XDD que dicen que van a revisar el etiquetado de los z680 porque resulta que tienen mas de 450 W RMS y que os espereis a que saquen el nuevo controlpod pa aseguraros de que no tiene el siseo.Ale me he cansao, espero por lo menos haber ayudado
MUY BIEN…solo te ha faltado poner el link para estar al tanto cada uno por su cuenta...aunque con esas traducciones tan "caseras" prefiero que me lo traduzcas tú.
Lo dicho te mereces un monumento,....empiezo a recoger firmas.
Bueno, ahora en serio....ojalá sea cierto, ojalá(¿¿¿¿que llueva café en el campo????....... por que el kit es la bomba.
esta sacado del foro de
lo traduzco porque no tol mundo sabe ingles… o no lo suficiente
gracias por tus halagos, me los tomare en serio, si querias invitarme a cenar puedes ser mas directo, no me ruborizaré XDDTengo las mismas esperanzas puestasen los Logitech z-680 que tu.
Crucemos los dedos.....
Oye AdnMaster, mandame un e-mail a que quiero comentarte otras cosas que aquí no se puede.
Me he leído todo el post y parece que los Logitech son buenos altavoces, pese a ese siseo que se comenta. Así que yo ya me los he pedido y en 8 días como máximo ya los tendré y os comentaré. Me han salido por 418€.
Por cierto, para los que aún estén indecisos hay una comparativa de los Megaworks y los Logitech en Tom's Hardware (también comparan otros, pero no de la misma potencia) . Os paso el link a continuación:
En la comparativa se comenta este defecto de fabricación pero dicen que solo en el canal central.
Sobre el rival MegaWorks dicen que los 500W son medidos como explosión, supongo que será en su momento máximo, no que siempre esté dando 500W reales. Además de que el subwofer no llega a 25hz como dice Creative, sino que está por los 40Hz.
En la puntuación final parece que gana Creative en calidad de sonido, pero en global gana Logitech. Recordemos que los Creative no tienen descodificador Dobly Digital ni DTS cosa muy importante, al menos para mi.
Aguien sabe si los Z-680 tienen el decodificador en el Subwoofer o viene aparte, habia una duda al respecto en otra rama sobre altavoces para home cinema.
Yo tambien estoy hace tiempo queriendo estos, pero me acuerdo del precio y me desanimo.
Con las opiniones favoranbles de esta rama sobre el siseo ese, creo que los encargare pronto.
A proposito alguno de uds. ha escuchado de casos en que el subwoofer de los Z-560 se haya quemado, lei en un foro en ingles algo al respecto, pero es distinto saberlo aqui.
gracias. -