Microsoft® Windows® .NET Server 2003 Release Candidate 2
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Microsoft Windows .NET Server 2003 Release Candidate 2 is now ready for download! Please read this email carefully and keep a copy so that you will not lose valuable information you need for participating in the Windows .NET Server 2003 Customer Preview Program.
As a participant in the Windows .NET Server 2003 Customer Preview Program, you are entitled to a copy of the Windows .NET Server 2003 Release Candidate 2 (RC2).
To download RC2 now, go to, and login with the Microsoft Passport ID that you used to download RC1. There is no need to register again.
If you have not previously signed into, please register for the site using your Customer Preview Program username and password below.
Username: WPC_1275860
Password: 8dkbqkm4cqxsv
Note: You do not need to enter this information again, if you’ve previously done so.
After completing the registration wizard you will be able to acquire a product key and download Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 from the site. Please make sure you fully complete the registration wizard before attempting to acquire a product key or download. Instructions on how to acquire a product key and download Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 will be found on after you have successfully completed the registration wizard.
To download Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 please ensure that you are using a computer that is running Windows95 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater.
If you experience any problems downloading Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2, please send e-mail to
Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 requires a product key for installation of the product. This key can only be used with Windows .NET Server 2003 pre-release builds. This key is the same key you used to install RC1. You can obtain your personal product key from You are allowed to install this beta software on as many machines as permitted by your license agreement.
Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 includes product activation. You will be required to activate the product within 14 days of installation.
3. Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 is a time limited release and will expire 360 days after initial installation is complete.4. Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 is not recommended for production systems unless you are explicitly working with Microsoft on deployment programs.
Due to the nature of pre-release software, some of your applications and hardware may not function correctly.
If you proceed with the Internet download option, please note that you will need to either burn a CD or use third party software to extract the Windows .NET Server 2003 setup files. The Internet download is an .ISO file, an "image" of the product CD. It is not a self-installing executable like many Internet-downloadable programs. You will need a CD Burner and CD Burn software or a third party utility to extract files from an .ISO image. More details and instructions will be available on the web site prior to your download.
If you will be connected to the Internet when installing Windows .NET Server 2003, please use the Dynamic Update option during setup. This will ensure that the very latest fixes can be delivered to your machine prior to running setup. If you are upgrading Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0, and do not use Dynamic Update, you may get an error about kernel mode audio drivers on some systems. You will need to uninstall and reinstall using Dynamic Update on these systems. This will enable Microsoft to test the Dynamic Update feature of Windows .NET Server 2003.
Please review the pre-release license agreements carefully during the installation of Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2. By installing this release, you agree to the terms and conditions of these license agreements. As a reminder, all licenses associated with the product will expire when the product becomes commercially available.
Before installing this release you must print and fully read Read1st.txt. This document contains critical pre-installation and upgrade information important to your installation and is located at the root of the installation media.
During the installation process, you may be prompted to enter a product key. The key required is the same key you used to install RC1. If you have misplaced your key, you can return to after logging into WindowsBeta to retrieve your key.CPP CD KIT OPTION
If you choose to not download and want to switch to the CD mailkit, please place your order for the CD mailkit through
Support for RC2 is limited to a peer-to-peer support through a community of private newsgroups. You will have access to a community of private newsgroups where you can submit questions about the functionality of Windows .NET Server 2003 and share your experiences with other members of the Windows .NET Server 2003 Customer Preview Program.The following are the private news groups which support Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2: TO ACCESS THE NEWSGROUPS
Instructions on accessing the news groups:
Newsgroup Reader (Outlook Express)
1. Tools
2. Accounts
3. Add (button in upper right of box)
4. In drop down select “news”
5. Type the name you want everyone to see you as
6. Type the email address you wish to use
7. In the NNTP box type:, be sure to check the lower left box that reads “My news server requires me to log on”
8. Account Name = privatenews\CPPuser
9. Password = Win@Net6
10. Finish
You will be prompted if you wish to download the new newsgroups. Click “Yes”. Then subscribe to all of the newsgroups you wish to view. If you are using a newsreader other than Outlook Express, follow the setup instructions for your newsreader. Use the NNTP server, username, and password provided above.
Web Based Newsreader (Internet Explorer)
Go to
The password is: Win@Net6GETTING UPDATES
To complete the survey and to receive additional information, please register at: order processing questions, please send e-mail to
For technical questions, please utilize the newsgroups; information on accessing the newsgroups is above.
Thank you very much for your interest in the Windows .NET Server 2003 Customer Preview Program.
no entiendo nada, te lo han mandado a ti ese correo ?
es para que lo pruebes tu ?
podemos hacerlo los demas con esos datos ?
para eso lo pones ?
toy hecho un lio con tanto english -
pues lo mandaba por si alguno quiere probar, la verdad es que no he leido todo el tocho, y paso de probar mas betas que ya me llegó con el longhorn.
Pero esta beta del windows es referible a longhorn pero en su version Server,o no tienen nada que ver?
no SuLo, esa beta se refiere al windows XP Sever ke lo laman .net
Holas !
mmmmm me gusta :D. haber si puedo y mañana me lo bajo haber que tal XD.
Asias Davish