Estoy conpilandolo Gentoo 1.4 al 100% ;)
marcalj, por que no te animas con una miniguia de instalacion de gentoo? por lo menos para Athlon XP que la mayoria de nosotros estamos con AMD y luego a partir de ahi tambien se podria hacer para penium.
Seria todo un puntazo ademas supongo que en breves acabaras los exames jejejej -
Publicado originalmente por PiPeLiNe
Ademas supongo que en breves acabaras los exames jejejej:susto:
Yo tengo las convocatorias como el cole normal. Asi que vuelvo de nuevo para Marzo :rolleyes:La guia estaria bien, aunke yo siempre sigo la k hay en la web…
Publicado originalmente por PiPeLiNe
marcalj, por que no te animas con una miniguia de instalacion de gentoo? por lo menos para Athlon XP que la mayoria de nosotros estamos con AMD y luego a partir de ahi tambien se podria hacer para penium.
Seria todo un puntazo ademas supongo que en breves acabaras los exames jejejejaparte de ser para athlon xp es totalmente personal pero seguro que como la de Nacho, le sirve a mucha gente de referencia
Buenas frikis, ayer termine con todo el ekipo, KDE 3.2, evolution, alsa, xmms, etc…
Con lo unico que me dio problemas es con el Kernel... la primera vez k instale Gentoo (Desde el stage2) compile el Kernel 2.4.24 con genkernel i de puta madre, pero esta vez me petaba por toos lados...
Asi que lo tube que instalar a mano desde cero...i funciono a la primera!!! xD ... si es que ya le estoy pillando el trukillo a esto del kernel jeje.
No se si pasar al 2.6.3 pq si me vuelve a petar el sistema me suicido...
PD: KDE 3.2 es una pasadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! madre mia !!! k belleza!! I me carga en 8 segundos!!! (eso la segunda vez que inicié...; desde que pongo el login en el KDM)
Gentoo compiled 100% is up & running
Gentoo vuelaSalu2!
No se si pasar al 2.6.3 pq si me vuelve a petar el sistema me suicido…
Haz un kernel de prueba, lo pones en el lilo o grub como "test" o algo asi y lo pruebas, dejas el que tenias antes con otro nombre y si te peta el nuevo pues vuelves a entrar con el viejo y a probar otra vez…
PD: KDE 3.2 es una pasadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! madre mia !!! k belleza!! I me carga en 8 segundos!!! (eso la segunda vez que inicié…; desde que pongo el login en el KDM)
Menuda eternidad :susto:
Para tu proxima rallada te sugiero que te mires el comando
emerge -e world
Un saludo.
Elfo, vale que tu debes usar fluxbox o algunos de estos que tardan menos de un segundo en cargar… pero para ser KDE 3.2 i tardar 8 segundos esta super bien...... o no?
Nacho: # emerge -pve world```
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20030708 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9 -build -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/libtool-1.4.3-r3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/ncurses-5.3-r5 -debug 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/gettext-0.12.1 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/m4-1.4-r1 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/bison-1.875 +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/sed-4.0.7 -build +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.5 -build +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4-r2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/python-fchksum-1.6.1-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.2-r3 -build -debug -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/unzip-5.50-r2 0 kB
[ebuild N F ] dev-java/java-sdk-docs-1.4.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/python-docs-2.3.3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-shells/bash-2.05b-r9 -build +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/readline-4.3-r4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7c-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/tcl-8.3.4 2 kB
[ebuild N ] app-crypt/hashalot-0.1.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r5 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r5 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/miscfiles-1.3-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r8 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/pam-0.77 +berkdb -pwdb -(selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/shadow-4.0.3-r9 +pam -(selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/pam-login-3.14 +nls -(selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12-r4 +crypt +nls +pam -(selinux) -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libpng-1.2.5-r4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-base/opengl-update-1.5 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/gawk-3.1.3-r1 -build +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.21 -build 27,864 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/baselayout- -bootstrap -build -livecd -(selinux) -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/freetype-2.1.5 -bindist +zlib 830 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/expat-1.95.6-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/ed-0.2-r3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.2.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/cabextract-0.6 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r5 -3dfx +3dnow +cjk -debug +doc +ipv6 +mmx +nls +pam -sdk +sse -static +truetype +xml2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/tk-8.3.4-r1 2 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/db-1.85-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0-r5 +berkdb -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/python-2.3.3 +berkdb -bootstrap -build +doc +gdbm +ipv6 +ncurses +readline +ssl +tcltk -ucs2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-java/java-config-1.2.5 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-java/blackdown-jdk-1.4.1 +doc 79,032 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/db-4.1.25_p1-r3 +doc +java +tcltk 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/groff-1.18.1-r4 +X +cjk 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.2 +berkdb +gdbm 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.2-r1 +berkdb +doc +gdbm -threads 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.58-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/automake-1.7.7 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/help2man-1.29 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.7-r1 -debug +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/acl-2.2.13-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/coreutils-5.0.91-r4 +acl -build +nls -(selinux) -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/debianutils-1.16.7-r4 -build -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/portage-2.0.50-r1 -build 0 kB
*** Please update portage to the above version before proceeding.
Failure to do so may result in failed or improper merges.
A simple 'emerge -u portage' is sufficient.[ebuild N ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.4 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/binutils- -bootstrap -build +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/gcc-3.3.2-r5 +X -bootstrap -build +java -multilib +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.2-r9 -build +nls -nptl -pic 18 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/cronbase-0.2.1-r2 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/man-1.5l-r6 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/man-pages-1.65 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-fs/devfsd-1.3.25-r3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1-r1 -build +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/alsa-lib-0.9.8 -jack 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-sound/alsa-utils-0.9.8 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-shells/sash-3.6 +readline 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/module-init-tools-0.9.15_pre4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/make-3.80 -build +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-admin/addpatches-0.2 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-2.4.24 -build 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-misc/nforce-net-1.0.0256 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/jpeg-6b-r3 1 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/tiff-3.5.7-r1 1 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.15.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.4 +ipv6 +python +readline 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.2 +python 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/opensp-1.5-r1 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/openjade-1.3.2-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-dsssl-stylesheets-1.77-r2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.62.4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.1.2-r4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-util/gtk-doc-1.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/glib-2.2.3 -debug +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/pango-1.2.5-r1 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/atk-1.4.1 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.2.4-r1 +doc +jpeg +tiff 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-ftp/gftp-2.0.16-r1 +gtk +gtk2 +nls +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-kernel/gs-sources-2.4.25_pre6 -build -build +crypt 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/procps-3.1.15 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/slang-1.4.9 +cjk 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-editors/nano-1.2.2 -build -debug +justify +nls +slang +spell 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-sound/alsa-driver-0.9.8 +oss 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/audiofile-0.2.5 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r8 +ipv6 -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-sound/esound-0.2.32 +alsa +ipv6 +tcpd 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libmikmod-3.1.10-r1 +alsa +esd +oss 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libogg-1.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libvorbis-1.0.1-r2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.31-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-util/intltool-0.30 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/baekmuk-fonts-2.1-r1 +X +truetype 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/arphicfonts-0.1-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-print/cups-1.1.20 +pam -slp +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/kochi-substitute-20030809 +X 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/ghostscript-7.07.1-r1 +X +cjk +cups 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-lang/nasm-0.98.38 -build +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/a52dec-0.7.4 +oss -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libmpeg3-1.5.2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/giflib-4.1.0-r3 +X +gif 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/DirectFB-0.9.20 -fusion +gif +jpeg +mmx +mpeg +png +sse +truetype 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/gtk+-1.2.10-r10 -debug +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-video/nvidia-kernel-1.0.4496-r3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-video/nvidia-glx-1.0.4496 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-sound/xmms-1.2.8-r4 +3dnow +cjk +directfb +esd -gnome +gtk2 +ipv6 +mikmod +mmx +nls +oggvorbis +opengl -xml 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-plugins/alsa-xmms-0.9.12 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/cpio-2.5 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.3-r2 -build +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-misc/wget-1.9-r2 -debug +ipv6 +nls -socks5 +ssl -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.4.22-r5 -build 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/which-2.16 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/pyxml-0.8.2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libglade-2.0.1 +doc +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-util/indent-2.2.9 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/popt-1.7-r1 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libIDL-0.8.2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/ORBit2-2.8.3 +doc +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/gconf- +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libbonobo-2.4.3 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.16 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libgnomecanvas-2.4.0 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-nds/portmap-5b-r8 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-admin/fam-2.7.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-mime-data-2.4.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.4.2-r1 +doc +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libgnome-2.4.0 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libbonoboui-2.4.3 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libgnomeui- +doc +jpeg 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-1.0.9 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-thinice-2.0.2-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/imlib-1.9.14-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.2.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-2.4.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libgnomeprint-2.4.2 +cups +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/gail-1.4.1 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-extra/libgtkhtml-2.4.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-extra/yelp-2.4.2 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/nspr-4.4.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/zip-2.3-r2 +crypt 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/nss-3.8 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.0-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-xml-simple-dtd- 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.1-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.1-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/SGMLSpm-1.03-r4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-util/dialog-0.9_beta20031002 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-db/mysql-4.0.16 +berkdb -debug +innodb +perl +readline +ssl -static +tcpd 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-libs/libwww-5.4.0-r1 +mysql +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/tetex-2.0.2-r1 +X 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/jadetex-3.12 251 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/Net-Daemon-0.37 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/Storable-2.07-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/PlRPC-0.2016-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/DBI-1.37 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/DBD-mysql-2.1027 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-www/lynx- +ipv6 +nls +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.0-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.12 +tetex 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/scrollkeeper-0.3.14 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/libgnomeprintui-2.4.2 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-extra/gal-1.99.10 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-libs/libsoup-1.99.26-r1 -gnutls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-extra/libgtkhtml-3.0.9 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-misc/xloadimage-4.1-r1 +jpeg +png +tiff 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r5 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] net-mail/ssmtp-2.48 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.2.3-r5 +X -caps -ldap +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/aspell-0.50.3 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-dicts/aspell-en-0.51.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/gnome-spell-1.0.5 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-mail/evolution-1.4.5 +crypt +doc +ipv6 +kde -kerberos -ldap +mozilla -pda +spell +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-misc/openssh-3.7.1_p2-r1 -X509 +ipv6 -kerberos +pam -(selinux) -skey -static +tcpd 122 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/diffutils-2.8.4-r4 -build +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/bin86-0.16.0 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-text/docbook-sgml-1.0 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/ORBit-0.5.17 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] gnome-base/gnome-libs-1.4.2 +doc +kde +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0 +doc 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/xosd-2.2.5 +xmms 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-misc/lineakd-0.7 +xosd 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-fs/reiserfsprogs-3.6.11 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-sci/setiathome-3.08-r1 +X 219 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-boot/lilo-22.5.8-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/ncompress-4.2.4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/tar-1.13.25-r3 -build +nls -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/pwdb-0.62 -(selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-devel/bc-1.06-r5 +readline 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-arch/sharutils-4.2.1-r6 +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/psmisc-21.2-r4 +nls -(selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-misc/dhcpcd-1.3.22_p4-r2 -build -static 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/vixie-cron-3.0.1-r3 -(selinux) 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/less-381 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/fbset-2.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libmad-0.15.0b-r1 -debug 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libungif- +X +gif 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-db/unixODBC-2.2.6 -gnome +qt 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/nas-1.6 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/lcms-1.12 +jpeg +python +tiff +zlib 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.0-r1 +cups +doc -firebird +gif -icc +ipv6 +mysql +nas +odbc +opengl -postgres -sqlite +zlib 0 kB
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kde-env-3-r2 [empty/missing/bad digest]
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libid3tag-0.15.0b -debug 0 kB
[ebuild N ] kde-base/arts-1.2.0 +alsa -artswrappersuid +esd +mad +oggvorbis 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-gfx/graphviz-1.10 +tcltk 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-doc/doxygen-1.3.5 +doc +qt 0 kB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libpcre-4.2-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kdelibs-3.2.0 +alsa +cups +doc +ipv6 -ldap +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-apps/eject-2.0.12-r1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/openmotif-2.1.30-r4 0 kB
[ebuild N ] net-fs/samba-2.2.8a +acl +cups -ldap -oav +pam +ssl +tcpd 66 kB
[ebuild N ] media-sound/lame-3.93.1-r1 -debug +gtk 0 kB
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kdebase-3.2.0 +cups +encode +java -ldap +motif +opengl +pam +samba +ssl 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/svgalib-1.9.17-r3 -build 0 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.1 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/aalib-1.4_rc4-r2 +X +gpm +slang 0 kB
[ebuild N ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.6-r3 +X +aalib +alsa +arts +dga +directfb +esd +fbcon -ggi +nas -noaudio -nojoystick -novideo +opengl +oss +svga +xinerama +xv 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-crypt/gpgme-0.3.14 +crypt +doc +nls 0 kB
[ebuild N ] app-crypt/cryptplug-0.3.15 0 kB
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kdenetwork-3.2.0 +samba -slp 0 kB
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kdepim-3.2.0-r2 +crypt -ldap -pda 0 kB
+oggvorbis +sdl -speex 0 kB...[YA NO CABIA xD]
Total size of downloads: 108,568 kB
existe una guia para utilizar prelink en gentoo prelink es lo mismo que hace winxp con los programas una especie de precarga
de las librerias que usa algo consigo que carge conqueror en menos de 1 segundo casi tan rapido como el exploter
aqui explican como hacerlo en ingles sniff
Me ha dado un error al hacer el prelinkado de las aplicaciones…```
bash-2.05b# prelink -afmR
prelink: /sbin/insmod.static: Using /usr/lib/, not /lib/ as dynamic linker
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/afsws/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/qt/3/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/kde/3.2/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
Segmentation fault
bash-2.05b# -
en el tutorial dice algo sobre las qt pero no es sobre 3.2 sino 3.1
de todas maneras ganas velocidad o no
Pues creo que no he notado nada… no creo que haya cargado ninguna libreria ya que peto el programa ese como puedes ver al final... "segmentation fault"
Asi que no se...
No te preocupes que todo lo que haya ejecutado antes del error si ha quedad o "prelinkado".
Todos los directorios que se recorren en busca de librerias que "prelinkar" se especifican en el archivo /etc/prelink.conf
Tendras que mirar que directorio esta causando el problema y comernatrlo en el fichero. Probablemenrte sea el siguiente a /usr/kde/3.2/lib/Un saludo.
Pues quitando la carpeta esa me peta por otro lado:```
bash-2.05b# prelink -afmR
prelink: /sbin/insmod.static: Using /usr/lib/, not /lib/ as dynamic linker
prelink: /usr/afsws/lib/ is not present in any config file directories, nor was specified on command line
prelink: /usr/bin/pstoff: Not enough room to add .dynamic entry
Segmentation fault
Bueno, el error de "Segmentation fault" no tiene nada que ver que con el "Not enough room to add .dynamic entry".
El mensaje ese de room es un mensaje relacionado con /usr/bin/pstoff. No te preocupes por eso porque es un error reconocido por prelink, lo que hace que una vez detectado continue prelinkando lo siguiente. En la doc de prelink tienes informacion sobre que como se soluciona cada tipo de errores.El "Segmentation fault" es el error grave.
El procedimiento a seguir es el mismo, es decir, localizar que archivo falla y quitarlo del archivo de configuracion de prelink. Es posible que, por ejemplo, el que falla es /usr/lib/xxxxxx y la entrada del prelink.conf sea /usr/lib/ a secas. Obiamente no es una buena opcion comentar la linea /usr/lib/ para que no se prelinke ese directorio, ya que en el estan incluidas muchas mas cosas que probablemente no den problemas, por lo que seria una pena sacrificar un directorio completo por culpa de un archivo. Lo mejor es que localices cual es el que falla y lo muevas a otra direccion temporalmente, cuando acabes con el prelink pues lo vuelves a dejar como estaba y solucionado.Ami por ejemplo me fallaba con las librerias opengl de nvida,que estan en /usr/lib/opengl/ pero que son prelinkadas gracias a la linea del prelink.conf que es /usr/lib/
En vez de sacrificar el prelinkado de todo el /usr/lib/ lo que hice para solucionarlo fue:cd /usr/lib/opengl/
mv nvidia ~
prelink -af
mv ~/nvidia /usr/lib/opengl/Es un poco radical pero me ha funcionado. lo malo va a ser localizar el archivo que falla. Seguramente este en el directorio que es el siguiente a /usr/bin/ o /usr/bin/pstoff de tu archivo prelink.conf
Un saludo.
Muchas gracias… la verdad el sistema me va rapido, y esto me supone muchas historias i realmente paso....
Me lo dejo para la Mislanet o para el verano, ya lo discutire con Membris Khan jejeje
Muchas gracias.
Lo del segmentation fault creo que es por culpa de algun puntero... almenos esto me decia cuando me petaban las practicas de C en la uni por culpa de los punteros
PD: El USE que tengo actualmente es este:```
USE="3dnow aalib acl acpi alsa apache2 apm avi berkdb bidi cdr crypt cups curl cjk dga directfb doc dvb dvd dvdr encode evo fbcon flash freetds gd gb gif gphoto2 gtk2 -gnome imagemagick imlib innodb ipv6 java justify -jack jpeg kde lcms mad mmx mozilla mpeg mysql nas nls odbc oggvorbis opengl pdflib perl png qt python quicktime samba slang spell sse ssl svga tiff truetype tcltk usb videos X xinerama xosd xml2 xmms"