Cambiar el multiplicador en windows..
pues parece ke hay un programa para cambiar el multiplicador :risitas:
Software could change Athlon 64 multiplier
A Japanese software called CrystalCPUID is becoming the star of some threads, thanks to a new integrated feature, named LoveHammer, said to be able to change Athlon 64's, and also some Athlon XP, multiplier directly under Windows! It seems that this is only possible with AMD processors that have the Cool'n'quiet feature included. Get CrystalCPUID here and, as usual, use it at your own risk !abra ke probar:sisi:
Un saludo. -
:nono: aggh no me ba a mi,con epox 8rda+ y xp1700
Un saludo.
uh, a mi se me dejan de inventos raros, que eso me suena raro. Algunos K7?? me da que no. Lo de los K8 con el cooln'quiet vale, porque parece que regula el micro segun las carga para no consumir demasiado, pero en los K7 ya me diras.