Más problemas para nVidia con el SLI
Además de los problemas de compatibilidad con algunos (muchos) juegos, la temperatura añadida, el consumo de energía que te obliga a tener una fuente de alimentación de gama alta… parece que tenemos un nuevo problema con el SLI. Resulta que las resoluciones widescreen no van, y es algo bastante grave. ¿Por qué? pues debido a que la mayoría de los monitores tft de veinte pulgadas o más tienen como resolución nativa alguna de éstas. Como pone en [H]ardOCP, que no es una página pro-ATI que digamos:
_SLI Widescreen Broken:
Seems as though folks with a pocket full of money are getting the shaft when it comes to using their NVIDIA SLI setup. Users that have recently purchased monitors such at Dell's 2005FPW Widescreen LCD panels are having some major quality issues when it comes to using their SLI setups. The biggest complaint seems to be a "jittery" or "rolling" screen. Also some folks have complained about Vsync being broken as well under SLI with their widescreens. There are a couple of heated threads to review here and here.Tested the latest official 71.84 WHQL driver and it did not fix the "jittery" rolling screen issue when running HL2 and CS:S widescreen resolutions: 1680x1050 DVI or 1280x768 VGA with SLI.
Workaround is to select 1280x1024 or any other 4:3 resolution or run 1680x1050 in a window.
This would of course obscure the proportions of game elements.
Contacting NVIDIA, they seemed to be well aware of the problems with SLI and widescreen and promised that fixes for these issues that have been bothering SLI users for months and months would arrive soon. I would not expect anything sooner than a month out though.
It is quite a shame that the what is likely the cream of the high end user group has been getting the stinky end of the stick since last year. Or I guess we can just blame Dell for making those widescreens so available.
_Pues nada, la solución que dan es que se use una resolución no nativa, con el consiguiente degradado de la calidad de imagen, o que se juegue ¡¡¡en ventana!!! No quiero decir con esto que un sistema SLI sea malo, ni mucho menos, pero no es la panacea y creo que solo tiene lógica si vas a utilizar dos 6800GT o dos 6800Ultra, nunca en el caso de 6600GT o 6800, para poder jugar con una sola tarjeta en el caso de los juegos que no admitan este modo y no baje el rendimiento abismalmente.