Lo que me pasa es lo que sufren muchas personas con este juego, incluso con gpus más potentes:
I decided to open this topic because it seems that this problem is beeing ignored: Any driver released after version 306.97 stutters badly on Battlefield 3, making the game unplayable. I am not the only one reporting this issue, if you also experience this situation please post here so we can get their attention.
I have tested this issue on the following machines: Windows 7 laptop equipped with an nVidia GTX 680m, Windows 7 laptop equiped with a GT 640m, Windows 7 desktop with dual GTX 670 on SLI, Windows 8 desktop with a single GTX 680. All systems were running core i7 class CPUs.
Driver 306.97 runs butter-smooth. Drivers 310.70 and up (including 314.22) are a stutter mess. Get your drivers straight nVidia.
Important INFO: As others have stated, after driver 310.70 (r310) nVidia chaged the power managment on the GPUs. Maybe it is related to the stuttering issue. You can find this information on page 9 of the 310.70 driver release PDF.
Power Efficiency Optimizations
Release 310 drivers introduce power-optimizing enhancements. As a result of these enhancements, you may notice that GPU core clock speeds are different with this driver. For example, the GPU core clock might be fast er when the GPU is in idle mode than in previous drivers. Or you may notice higher GPU core clock speeds after closing or opening certain games than in previous drivers. This is because the reported GPU core clock frequency is no longer correlated to GPU power-saving states. Instead of lowering the GPU core clock frequency, the hardware and software use other methods to put the GPU into a low power state when the GPU is idle or in response to changing application requirements. This ensures optimum power use while continuing to provide hig
+1 to this - ive never installed anything later than 306.97 becuase ive read about the performance problems in BF3 and also Skyrim that people are reporting with any drivers later than 306.97 - as you have said this is NOT being recognised at all - please as many people as possible reply to this so it gets some recognition - people are basically faced with the choice at the moment of updating drivers to help newer games, in the process breaking older ones, or staying with older drivers to keep older games as they should be, but not getting the performance they should be in new games…. this is a DRIVER issue with something since 306.97 and it has to be recognised at some point
I have been disappointed with my BF3 performance since getting a new PC in January (see sig.). Never even used the 306 drivers, currently using 310.
Terrible stuttering and screen tearing which make the game basically unplayable.
I run a mix of ultra, high and low in graphics settings with no AA getting around 140fps uncapped in multiplayer. I tried many different settings to try and fix things, capping fps at various numbers, v sync/triple buffering, render ahead limit…....only one thing works for me after much searching(as mentioned by someone above).
Cap fps at 59.95 and use v sync.
59 also seems to work as well. Anything else......60, 61, 62.....screen tearing and stuttering even with v sync.
I believe using 59.95 with v sync gets rid off the input lag you normally get using v sync. If I cap it at 60fps I get noticable input lag but with 59.95 its gone(or greatly reduced anyway).
I also get quite bad tearing in Bad Company 2 but the gameplay is smooth otherwise.
Hopefully this will be fixed by the time BF4 comes out......preferably sooner.
Sacado del foro oficial de nvidia. La instalación es reciente y me pasa lo mismo que muchos usuarios. Desde ,los 310 el rendimiento de battlefield3 y skyrim se ha visto reducido.
Yo uso los 314.21 beta porque son los que medio van bien, pero no va igual que con las tarjetas de la competencia. Todos los superiores sufro de microstuttering y lag muy acusado. Incluso probé en su día la hd 7750 del htpc y ajustando parámetros va mucho más suave, que tiene tela. El skyrim es otro que tengo una motaña rusa de fps, cuando con una hd 7870 iba mucho más estable con los mismos mods. incluso la gtx 570 daba mejor el callo. Claro que hablo de drivers de octubre más o menos, cuando no había estos problemas.
Por eso, viendo incluso un vídeo del battlefield3 con un sli de gtx 660 y apreciar stuttering, pues por eso pregunto a los que hayan montado estos sistemas. Volvía nvidia por su calidad de drivers y me encuentro a 2 juegos que suelo jugar a diario, con problemas. Por eso dudo que con 2 lo vaya a solucionar, ya que los sli requieren de usar drivers más recientes, etc….
Luego instalo los 306 esos a ver si hay mejora y descartamos problemas de versión de drivers y fallo de nvidia.
Las soluciones del foro, las he probado, pero sigue sin ir 100% fluido. Me recuerda a cuando tenía el phenom II 965 y una hd 5870, cuando el equipo tendría que ir fino, fino.
Edit: Instalados los 306.97 y vaya cambio. El battlefield3 perfectamente fluido. Aquí ya noto sensación de suavidad y 60 fps. Comprobado, problema de drivers que empeoran el rendimiento en determinados juegos.
Me queda comprobar la opción de prerendizado de fotogramas ponerlo a 1. Si no consigo mejorar con nuevos drivers, sólo me queda descartar el sli, porque no me va a servir para mis juegos.