fuf el nvagp depende de tu placa base (el chipset) ya que algunos modos del driver de nvidia son imcompatibles con segun que placa tengas
el readme esta aqui
Option "NvAGP" "integer"
Configure AGP support. Integer argument can be one of:
0 : disable agp
1 : use NVIDIA's internal AGP support, if possible
2 : use AGPGART, if possible
3 : use any agp support (try AGPGART, then NVIDIA's AGP)
Please note that NVIDIA's internal AGP support cannot
work if AGPGART is either statically compiled into your
kernel or is built as a module, but loaded into your
kernel (some distributions load AGPGART into the kernel
at boot up). Default: 3 (the default was 1 until after
aqui tienes una lista de problemas con nvidia
busca tu chipset si es viejo si no busca la opcion recomendada con tu placa
el que las fuentes aparezcan borrosas puede ser el antialiasing en las fuentes desactivalo a ver