Publicado Originalmente por Bleom
**Walker, gracias por el vinculo 
Pues despues de ver las conexiones de los Logitech,
me parece una autentica mierda de equipo. Que me vengan contando con que la amplificación se hace por hardware… venga ya... ahora es cuando sin duda veo completamente injustificado su precio. Por favor, que alguien me haga cambiar de opinión, porque me acabo de quedar tieso :eek:
No se si te estás refiriendo a amplificación (entonces no entendería tu comentario) o a la descodificación
Sacado de Tom's Hardware:
The integral dedicated decoder chip is the CS493263-CL made by Cirrus Logic. This THX-certified chip enables the Z-680 to decode Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Prologic II and DTS 5.1 outputs
Los Z680 hacen descodificación por hardware si la fuente es digital (por las entradas coaxial u óptica) o no la realizan si la fuente le viene por los conectores analógicos.
Por cierto, en un s/pdif claro que van todos los canales
Buscando por inet:
S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) is a standard audio transfer file format. It is usually found on digital audio equipment such as a DAT machine or audio processing device. It allows the transfer of audio from one file to another without the conversion to and from an analog format, which could degrade the signal quality.
The most common connector used with an S/PDIF interface is the RCA connector, the same one used for consumer audio products. An optical connector is also sometimes used.
/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) is a newest audio transfer file format, which provides impressive quality through optical fiber and allows you to enjoy digital audio instead of analog audio. Normally there are two S/PDIF outputs as shown, one for RCA connector, the most common one used for consumer audio products, and the other for optical connector with a even better audio quality. Through a specific audio cable, you can connect the SPDIF connector to other end of the S/PDIF audio module, which bears S/PDIF digital output. However, you must have a S/PDIF supported speaker with SPDIF digital input to connect to the SPDIF digital output to make the most out of this function._