weno… pues buscando un poco por ahi, he encontrado esto en los foros de infogrames, a ver si con esto se te soluciona:
Unreal Tournament 2003 does work with joysticks, but takes a few extra steps to set up properly. The following steps should assist you in getting the joystick up and running smoothly in the game.
1. Double-click into My Computer -> 😄 -> UT2003 -> System -> UT2003.ini
2. Find Two (2) instances of "UseJoystick=False", and change them both to "UseJoystick=True"
3. Save the file, and close out of notepad.
4. Double-click on User.ini
5. Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:
JoyX=Axis aStrafe SpeedBase=32768.0 DeadZone=0.4
JoyY=Axis aBaseY SpeedBase=32768.0 DeadZone=0.4 Invert=-1
6. Save the file. In order to bind the buttons you will need to add/edit the lines
To contain the function you wish to bind to that key.
7. Save the file and close out of notepad, and launch the game.
That should work for standard joysticks. For Dual-Analog gamepads, try the following in it's place:
JoyX=Axis aStrafe SpeedBase=32768.0 DeadZone=0.4
JoyY=Axis aBaseY SpeedBase=32768.0 DeadZone=0.4 Invert=-1
JoyZ=Axis aBaseX = SpeedBase=10.0 DeadZone=0.4
JoyV=Axis aLookUp SpeedBase=2.0 DeadZone=0.4Axis aBaseX = SpeedBase=10.0
Add any custom tweaks/changes as replies to this thread if you can get specific devices working to your satisfaction.
Por si acaso os dejo el enlace al post de esa rama foro infogrames joystick en UT2003