Fíjate en la parte en la que pone:
This was the original configuration. To transform it from this into a 6800standard configuration required the bridge connection to be rearranged as seen below:
A B C = D
E F G = H
X = Y O P
But to change it to a 6800Ultra, I designed the configuration as follows:
A = B C = D
E F G = H
I have removed the X Y connection and added a connection between A and B. Following that, I flashed the bios that I have personally modded. This bios is based on and it is called, “Blueremy’s 6800Mod Bios”. I named it myself. If you want to acquire this bios, click HERE.
Incluye hasta la bios para ponerla a 350/700 pero con 16p/6vs, así que solo te queda soldar resistencias… que te sea leve :rollani:
PD: Yo no lo intentaría, seguiría usando el rivatuner...
PD2: Para buscar bios, http://www.mvktech.net/ es una buena página